Friday, July 25, 2008


Well today was the lunch date with Joe. It was comfortable talking with him. We only had about 45 minutes because he had to head back to work. We slowly hit on several topics, biking, half-marathon training, the whole It's Just Lunch (IJL) dating world, kids, jobs, weekend plans, and asking for phone number controversies. This is the first date with this "program" that my date hasn't paid. I was surprised but not annoyed, I mean I've always expected to pay just haven't had to. He seems to be a "rule follower" and that IS how the rules of IJL are presented. We left the restaurant and headed to our cars and he asked for my number. I let him know that I would really enjoy hearing from him....which was the truth. I didn't ask for his number, thinking the ball should be in his court. I'm hoping he calls. He's different than the men I've previously been attracted to. He's average, normal, calm, nice...but for some reason I was a bit drawn to him. We'll see! I am getting better at approaching me and feeling like I deserve to have their attention and respect...but I haven't gotten any better at understanding/knowing what they're thinking!!!! The adventure continues.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Random Ramblings!

1. Nick and John did this great Treasure Hunt for the kids in NC. Nancy called and asked John to put out a couple of pennies for the kids to find on our evening walk. To make a long story short, and save any embarrassment on "Martha's" part, the walk got cancelled...well all most. We drug the kids out at nearly 10 for a wagon pulled walk. They used their flashlights and were told that the Pirates in the neighborhood had dropped some things. Well these pirates lived the high life. Our little ones found two piles of silver coins each and a goodie bag that included popcorn, High-end chocolate, and an apple! I knew it was a success when they both started shouting "thank you" to the pirates from the street! A great night and a cute group of kids and pirates to boot!

2. Last night was my return to Party in the Park. I had done some serious mental preparing...knowing he (EW) would be there! For those of you behind, EW is a friend that turned into more and lets just say between complications, surprises, and his love for self my heart was broken. So in preparation to have him remain on my team this year I've done a bit of detachment and emotional rebuilding. This was our first time talking and/or seeing each other since the last day of school and our last fight. It was awkward, but I prevailed, spoke and was friendly. I am so proud of giving in and asking to have a "talk" with him, no demanding an apology. Maybe I've come to accept that he is who he is and HE isn't right for me. It was draining, I had to keep serious tabs on my thoughts and self talk, but I made it and I'm confident I'll continue to make it as well.

3. Marlon, AKA "my boyfriend who doesn't know he's my boyfriend" also earned a shady tag. Here's the question to the masses: How do you make it clear that you expect more than a booty call and are not interested in holding that title? Seriously, I haven't presented myself as a booty call, but I'm starting to get the impression that's what he's interested in. Some say you have to verbally set them straight. Others say you should just "scratch them off the list". What do you think?

4. Lunch date tomorrow. I'll be meeting Joe. He's said to be 37, 5'10'', has two children, is a project manager, likes to lift weights at the gym, enjoys the theater, street festivals, hiking, traveling, just about anything. He's also reported to be funny and caring. I'll let you know how this one turns out!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Where does time go?

Well in April I committed to walking the USAF 1/2 marathon. I'm happy (and proud) to say my training is still going well and I'm feeling very strong in my commitment! Instead of using this event just as a personal success I'm trying to include my son by telling him "Mom has to talk her walk so she can be more healthy". He seems to be more accepting of my morning departures and the talk of health has entered our vocabulary more often. I so do not want B to have to deal with the life-long struggle of a weight issue like I've had to. His eating leaves a lot to be desired so my concern grows, exercise will be a must for us!
Summer has brought about rest and recuperation, a much needed break from this past school year. B and I have spent a great deal of time swimming at the Y, going to Kings Island, visiting the Zoo, and taking a big two week trip to NC. It's been fun spending time with him, but I have gained a great deal of admiration for stay at home moms. I love my son, but my time at work is needed for us to have a calmer relationship. He needs for me to be away so I can have more patience for him.
Our vacation to NC was big fun. We spent our time at the Gibbs house, visiting with their family (including Gramma Sherri, a very special matriarch). It was fun to watch AJ and B bond. They even began acting just like siblings. You know fighting and bickering, but then protecting each other when one was in trouble or being aggravated by another person. B even told one of the Lifeguards that AJ was with girlfriend, mind you this was not even a half an hour after they had been driving Nancy and I crazy with fighting in the car.
The kids went to camp (church) each morning while the moms visited "The Diner" for breakfast. We then went shopping, I am afraid to say that I did more than my part in keeping the NC economy going. Coach, Polo, Crocks, Kamelon, Yard flags, Sweet Paws, Build-A-Bear, and I can't forget the JCPenny photography department! could I neglect the sneaky NC smigs!?
This trip also allowed me to spend some time with my friend Emily. This trip was different from the last one. Emily, Nancy, and I were able to hang out and it really did feel just like old times. Those two woman were amazing friends then and I'm so glad that we can always just pick up where we left off....even when I've sucked at stay in touch. Good times, good people, good friends....more than I could ever ask for!
So many special events that I'll have to make a separate post about the cookout, the comedy club, the swimming days, Cold-Stone, and the Treasure Hunt. Keep your eyes peeled I'm off to continue the huge job of unpacking!!!