Saturday morning we got up and headed back downtown with Nana in tow for the Piglet race. The amount of people and kids was amazing. Although the race wasn't as organized as this teacher would have liked, we did have fun. B "ran" and won a gold medal. He wore it proudly, between his two year old meltdowns! It was a good morning.
Unc arrived home that evening and we headed over to Megan's for the family Pasta Party. Unc seemed pumped and Aunt Meg was ready for her relay (Three Chicks & A Legend) too.
Sunday morning arrived quickly, the weather was perfect. Nana, B, and I headed out to see if we could catch a glimpse of Unc and Meg. Unc ran by at mile 12, looking healthy and spry. Note: I don't even look that good after driving 12 miles! He pointed at B, and B tried to run along side of him. Now that was a cute moment! Meg, finished her part of the relay and met up with us. We then loaded back up and headed downtown to the finish line. We saw Unc again. This time he looked tired but still moving strong, and told us "THIS SUCKS!"....but damn he finished! I'm impressed, inspired, and overall amazed at the sites I've seen this weekend.
This event showed me that all types of people run; thin, fat, young, old, able, disabled. I should have no excuses for not getting out and moving (IE. getting exercises) everyday. If all these people can I can too! Wanna join me....I need support?!
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