Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sixty Years

Yesterday my Dad turned 60! We threw his surprise party on Sunday. It was quaint but sweet. He wasn't all that surprised since Mom had left an invitation lay out, but he certainly was touched! Meg worked very hard on a scrap book with pictures, quotes, and all the cards people sent. I added in "The 60 Reasons We Love You". It's an awesome book!

It was amazing how this party moved him. Suddenly, I've come home the last couple of nights to see him sitting tearfully. He has expressed how good the scrapbook makes him feel. He shared that he has written several unsent letters to us kids, expressing how ashamed he is of how he has fathered us. I'm amazed that the man I look up to would feel low about himself. I'm amazed that he doesn't see that his ability to break the cycle of dysfunctional family life is amazing. I'm amazed that he doesn't see how we view his work ethic and skills as dying characteristics in this world.

Another noted change has been that Dad has started sharing stories and thoughts from Vietnam. There is so much about him that I don't know. So many stories that haven't been told. I think I'm going to investigate the Vietnam War more. I'd like to learn about his generation. About the fight for survival in war and in the return. I don't want this generation to leave this world, without being recognized for their great dedication and achievement. Not that one person will validate all of their struggles or give them great honor, but I feel obligated to do my part.

I'm Amazed!

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